Auryn simulator  v0.8.1-206-gb56e451
Plastic Spiking Neural Network Simulator
Todo List
Member auryn::auryn_timestep
For consistency the global variable for auryn_timestep should be moved to either auryn_definitions or into the System class
Member auryn::AurynVector< T, IndexType >::allocate (const NeuronID n)
TODO Replace above alignment code with boost code once boost 1.56 is commonly available with the dists
Member auryn::AurynVector< T, IndexType >::freebuf ()
TODO Replace above alignment code with boost code once boost 1.56 is commonly available with the dists
Member auryn::AurynVector< T, IndexType >::size
Consider including a non_zero size paramter too, because we are using this template also in sparse matrices now for complex synaptic dynamics in which not all elements are necessarily used...
Member auryn::ComplexMatrix< T >::get_ptr (const AurynLong data_index, const StateID z=0)
TODO For two args this function is ambiguous with the above get_ptr def – need to find a better way for that
Class auryn::DelayConnection
This is a prototype connection which needs testing.
Class auryn::PairInteractionConnection
Add usage example and unit tests
Member auryn::PairInteractionConnection::load_window_from_file (const char *filename, double scale=1.)
Add file format description
Class auryn::PoissonSpikeInjector
Have to make sure this group has the same rank_lock structure as the piggy back group
Member auryn::StimulusGroup::set_maxrate (AurynFloat baserate)
Class auryn::WeightMonitor
Implement a new data_index based element list which can deal with Complex Matrix states in a clean fashion