Auryn simulator

Simulator for spiking neural networks with synaptic plasticity

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To compile Auryn you need the boost libraries installed (if you do not want to install the complete library you will at least need the following components boost_program_options, boost_mpi, boost_serialization, boost_filesystem, boost_system), a recent version of an MPI compatible library such as MPICH2 or OpenMPI.

Under most debian deriviatives such as Debian, Ubuntu or MINT it should suffice to install

sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev mpi-default-bin mpi-default-dev

Building Boost libraries with MPI from source

It might happen that your distribution's Boost version is too old. To install Boost from scratch, first install any versions of the Boost libraries installed on your computer using your stock package manager.

Then follow download and build boost from source (with MPI support). To that end, follow the instructions found on the boost website

Before you build Auryn make sure to delete the CMakeCache.txt file and all other CMakeFiles in the build directory to ensure that CMake looks for the new library and creates the needed Makefiles.

Known Issues

  • Spike-loss and random crashes experienced with with process numbers that were not a power of two. (OpenMPI 1.4.3)
  • Random communication freezes for large messages (i.e. caused by synchronization in the network → many spikes in short time intervals). (OpenMPI 1.5.4)

When compiled against MPICH2 these problems did not occur.

manual/required_libraries.1470945217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/11 19:53 by zenke